Welcome to APT
With more than 160 members Atlanta Prime Timers is the third-oldest chapter (founded in 1989) of Prime Timers Worldwide (PTWW). PTWW is a social, support, and service organization founded in Boston in 1987. PTWW has over 80 chapters located throughout North America, Europe, and Australia. Some Prime Timers involve themselves in their community with volunteerism, politics, gay issues, arts, and entertainment. Some of us are always on the go, and some enjoy the quiet company of others at home. We come from all walks of life. Some members are highly active and involved in the organization while others are less so. Primarily, members of Prime Timers enjoy the opportunities and friendships that develop as a result of membership. Newcomers are invited to attend a regular monthly meeting or one of our other events, such as a potluck.